
School & Coach Bus Repair

Bus Repair Shop, Mechanic shops, Auto Repair, Truck Repair, Paint & Manufacturing Bus Repair Service and Maintenance, School & Coach Bus Repair.

Phone Number(347) 7639838


7:30AM - 5:00PM
7:30AM - 5:00PM
7:30AM - 5:00PM
7:30AM - 5:00PM
7:30AM - 5:00PM
Address970 stanleyave, Brooklyn, 11208, NY , US
970 stanleyave


US FLEET SERVICES is the leading commercial vehicle repair company in North America, creating superior value for its customers and setting the benchmark on quality, technology, and value. As the leader in fleet maintenance we are committed to providing unique design, innovative technology, added value and exceptional product support.

We offer high quality workmanship, reliability and competitive pricing to keep you on the road. At US Fleet Services you can be assured of a professional, thorough job first time. Our company’s roots are based on Long Island, New York.

Working as vehicle manufacturers we were frustrated trying to find good repair facilities to service our products and our customers. We decided: Who would be better to ensure proper repairs than the people who built it? We have opened repair centers in New York, and New Jersey and are ready to expand. Our customers our relieved to find a company who can get the job done right the first time, and bring the vehicle back to operating the way it did when it was new.


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